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The Construction Leading Edge #250: How Navy SEALS Would Build Houses with Garrett Moore


EPISODE 250: Garrett Moore is a former Navy SEAL, and the founder of Agorus, a company tackling the housing shortage, the labor shortage and using software and robotics to build houses in days instead of months.

Here’s what you’ll hear about in this construction podcast with Garrett Moore:

How would a team of Navy SEALS build 500 houses. Misconceptions about being a NAVY SEAL. The biggest killer of teamwork. Amateurs train until they get it right and how pros train. How the Pareto principle applies to skilled trades training. Commander’s Intent and how you can use it. The North Star principle. Being stubborn on vision flexible on details. Risk avoidance vs. ownership, and which one creates a low trust environment. Trust allows decentralized command. Who goes first with trust? Why mantras are effective, and a few good ones to remember. What’s better than carrots and sticks? How being lukewarm hurts culture. Resources mentioned in this construction podcast episode:

Get Out of Your Business: Make it Run Without You This Year: Free online training workshop – www.constructionleadingedge.com/getout

Systematize Your Construction Business Results Program – Apply to work with us: www.constructionleadingedge.com/apply

Raken – Get the data you need to build better projects with an app your field crews will actually use – https://www.rakenapp.com

How to connect with Garrett Moore, founder of Agorus:

Company website: https://agorus.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/-garrettmoore-/

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Using the latest digital software, proprietary robotics and modern home building techniques to build custom homes, check out #Agorus: one source for delivering finished, precision-built solutions to the job site. In THREE steps.

Discover one of the possible ways we can solve the housing shortage problem in the market with Garrett Moore of Agorus in today’s episode. Listen in to learn how they leverage technology to accelerate home construction so you can achieve your dream home without the hassle of traditional home building.

You might see two common denominators in these life shaping experiences – a love of high performing teams and fearlessness in the face of challenges. Garrett and his co-founder Kyle run headlong into the fray when most would hesitate. He is wholly committed to solving America’s elusive housing crisis.

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