
Can you change how you build by changing how you think?

Garrett Moore and Kyle Tompane were childhood friends who grew up together, grew professionally as Navy SEALs together and ultimately experienced, first-hand, the process of building their own homes. In 2018, they frequently met and began to share their common frustrations with the home building process. And as the discussion grew, they began to ask, “Could there be a better way?” “Could we help to take an industry that has remained basically unchanged for 100 years and apply 21st century technology to support builders in a new way?”

With that, Agorus was born. Garrett and Kyle assembled some of the most innovative minds in the technology and construction industries. Then they went out and listened to the trades, as they began building homes alongside them. They needed to know the pain the building industry was looking to solve. Then together, Agorus worked with the trades to deliver a product that housing developers actually wanted.

When Agorus launched its technologies in 2020, builders, engineers, framing partners and investors began to come on board. The notion that a builder’s plans could potentially be installed in 3-5 days began to permeate the market. Was Agorus truly able to produce a home in less time, with less waste? Could they deploy higher quality materials and deliver a product more precise than traditional, rough trade, hand-hammered methods?

Garrett and Kyle provided a simple answer.

“Just come to the site and see for yourself”




Meet the Founders

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