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Hire Smarter With Tony Misura – Episode 27: Garrett Moore, Co-Founder & CEO of Agorus


Welcome to our latest episode of Hire Smarter. Our mission is to help building materials industry leaders adopt best practices for hiring talent while helping professionals make better career decisions.

The greatest leaders take on the toughest challenges. Successfully driving cutting-edge innovation in the home building industry is an enormous challenge. Garrett Moore, the CEO of Agorus, has a mission of building homes from permits to keys in 30 days. How does a leader maintain the level of intensity and focus needed to tackle the boldest initiatives?

Mantras help teams effectively maintain focus through the white noise and distractions life throws at them.

Some of Garrett’s favorite mantras:

Team, Teammate, Self – In priority order.

No one is too big to pick up a broom – Humility starts at the top.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication – The simplest plan is the best plan.

The only easy day was yesterday – Never rest on your laurels.

Two is one, one is none – You need to have a backup.

I wrote an article outlining the steps to creating your own mantras. https://www.misuragroup.com/blog/why-are-mantras-an-effective-leadership-hack

Focusing on one mantra and not adding another until the team has adopted it consistently is an added best practice. Have fun developing your messaging tactics. What is your trademark Mantra?

Hire Smarter – Tony Misura

Prefer reading over listening? You can access the full episode transcript here.

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