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Agorus Co-Founders Guest Lecture at Stanford


Agorus Co-Founders Garrett Moore and Kyle Tompane were invited to each teach a class session at Stanford University for the Venture Creation for the Real Economy graduate course. The course, taught by Professor Raymond Levitt and Adjunct Professor Michael Lyons, is a unique course in how to develop entrepreneurial businesses by teaching students how to utilize emerging materials science, engineering, and IT technologies to innovate within the real economy.

Students are challenged to create or modify new products and services that will produce real economic value for society, and throughout the course they are taught to identify opportunities, develop business plans, and determine funding sources. Industry mentors and influential guest speakers such as Tompane and Moore help guide the students as they develop entrepreneurial skills and mindsets.

Most class attendees are Graduate students working towards a master’s degree in Civil Engineering or a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. Areas of focus within the course include Sustainable Buildings and Infrastructure, Digital Cities and Communities, Clean Energy, Transportation and Logistics, Advanced Manufacturing, Digital Health Care, and Education.

In Garrett Moore’s class session, he talked about how to use Financial Modeling to create a business like Agorus from scratch. Moore said, “It was exciting to return to my alma mater as a guest speaker and mentor for the next generation of students.”

Kyle Tompane’s session was about Product Development, and he discussed how the Agorus team researched, developed, evaluated, and perfected their products, services, and technologies.

Both Moore and Tompane are honored to have been invited to guest lecture for such an entrepreneurial, venture-minded group of students. Tompane commented “I enjoyed teaching and learning from the students. It was exciting to see their passion for learning and for the entrepreneurial world”.

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